I recently jumped on the fitness bandwagon to try and loose the few extra pounds(a lot of extra, extra pounds actually), and the love handles(times 2) that I have gained over the last few years. I neglected to keep my waistline in check and now, after 40 inches, 95 kilograms and constant berating by my family (which I am very grateful for), I finally decided, it was time to put my nose to the grindstone. I have joined a gym and go regularly(well, almost), I have also started on a diet(I think you can call it a diet). I even admit to have tried several old wives' tales and remedies and I am open to any and every suggestion(except any unnatural ideas like a nip tuck or chemicals)anyone can provide for this daunting weight loss project.
Since I have already promised not to share my bodily undertakings on this blog, the reason I am writing about my spare tires problem is that I am frustrated, PISSED OFF! to be more accurate. I am not looking to acquire a(no offence; grotesque) "Markus Ruhl" like body(and I don't think I can, even if I try), or even the ever so clichéd "sick pack abs". I am however looking to slim down to a fit and more importantly healthy body. But after 6 months of following a backbreaking, body numbing, exercise regime almost every day, I have realized that losing weight is not only arduous but seems so futile most of the time(it actually isn't futile, run fatboy run!). The flab that stuck to my body in no time is holding on like white on rice as I toil my life away on the treadmill, breathless and exhausted. I mean 6 months on and I have lost only about...it's not even worth mentioning. Let's just say, I think all the weight scales are somehow rigged to mock me.
Now, the thing that has gotten me more frustrated than laborious workout and the cramps and pain after, is the "DIET" . I LIVE TO EAT! I am not saying I am compulsive eater or a competitive one(eating is actually a sport) or that I eat a horse for every meal. But I am fond of food, good food, tasty food(mmmmm). And yes I am not following a proper obesity diet, the reason being the food that you are supposed to eat while on a fat reducing diet lack in the something that qualifies them as food -TASTE. The things that you are not supposed to eat can be summed up as "you cannot eat anything you like" and the things that are an essential part of the diet taste like either sawdust or water. Lately I eat soups, stir fried, boiled, steamed homemade food, which thanks to my dear Mom, is still edible and quite tasty. Of course, like everybody out there on a diet I cheat every once in a while, I am human after all. I think this is a close I can get to actually following dietary restrictions and I am aware that this may be hampering my weight loosing efforts somewhat, but there is nothing I can do...I LIVE TO EAT!
On a more serious note, obese or not, a few minutes of exercise should be part of your daily routine. The kind of adulterated and polluted world we live in these days, the diseases don't differentiate between XL or XXXL. Walk, jog, run, or yoga for a few minutes and reduce your chances of getting diabetes, heart disease and many other such diseases you won't wish upon your sworn enemies.
Anyway, so my combination of backbreaking exercise and my tasty version of a diet will have to do for now. I am not sure if I will change either in the future, but I am determined to tone up, however tiring and tasteless the path maybe.
So wish me luck and stay healthy.
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