Wednesday 31 December 2014

Happy 2015!

The start of a new year brings mixed feelings of happiness & sorrow. The thought of missed opportunities, unfinished plans and lost moments make us sad, while the idea of better chances, new ventures & new beginnings give us joy. The things to keep in mind as we cast off into yet another year of our lives; is that change & hope are the two most significant parts of the human condition. Change is constant & hope is eternal. So don't fight change, don't loose hope & more importantly, be kind, be humble, pray, love, laugh, live! And have a joyous, peaceful & fabulous year ahead. HAPPY 2015! - Joydeep Majumdar

Tuesday 7 October 2014

Just a thought...

Memories have the power to move even the strongest of individuals. Good ones can make you well up & smile; while bad ones can make your heart sink. No matter who you are, there is no escaping the profound effect of memories. - Joydeep Majumdar

Friday 15 August 2014


68 years of independence, but the greatness of our nation is still bound by the shackles of corruption, rape, violence,  illiteracy & communalism. If we fail to break free of these evils, then the sacrifice of the generation that gave us our freedom from tyranny will have been in vain. Let us all resolve &  strive together to make our beloved country  even greater, for ourselves &  future generations. HAPPY INDEPENDENCE DAY! - Joydeep Majumdar