Saturday, 17 December 2011

Just a thought...

Humanism is the truest of religions, it see's God in every human being. Live and help live is it's only commandment, Love & Peace it's only message - Joydeep Majumdar

Just a thought...

The end of the world wont be some biblical apocalypse, it will be GREED...pure and simple human GREED! - Joydeep Majumdar

The Tiring & Tasteless Task Of Toning Up....Repost

I recently jumped on the fitness bandwagon to try and loose the few extra pounds(a lot of extra, extra pounds actually), and the love handles(times 2) that I have gained over the last few years. I neglected to keep my waistline in check and now, after 40 inches, 95 kilograms and constant berating by my family (which I am very grateful for), I finally decided, it was time to put my nose to the grindstone. I have joined a gym and go regularly(well, almost), I have also started on a diet(I think you can call it a diet). I even admit to have tried several old wives' tales and remedies and I am open to any and every suggestion(except any unnatural ideas like a nip tuck or chemicals)anyone can provide for this daunting weight loss project.

Since I have already promised not to share my bodily undertakings on this blog, the reason I am writing about my spare tires problem is that I am frustrated, PISSED OFF! to be more accurate. I am not looking to acquire a(no offence; grotesque) "Markus Ruhl" like body(and I don't think I can, even if I try), or even the ever so clichéd "sick pack abs". I am however looking to slim down to a fit and more importantly healthy body. But after 6 months of following a backbreaking, body numbing, exercise regime almost every day, I have realized that losing weight is not only arduous but seems so futile most of the time(it actually isn't futile, run fatboy run!). The flab that stuck to my body in no time is holding on like white on rice as I toil my life away on the treadmill, breathless and exhausted. I mean 6 months on and I have lost only's not even worth mentioning. Let's just say, I think all the weight scales are somehow rigged to mock me.

 Now, the thing that has gotten me more frustrated than laborious workout and the cramps and pain after, is the "DIET" . I LIVE TO EAT! I am not saying I am compulsive eater or a competitive one(eating is actually a sport) or that I eat a horse for every meal. But I am fond of food, good food, tasty food(mmmmm). And yes I am not following a proper obesity diet, the reason being the food that you are supposed to eat while on a fat reducing diet lack in the something that qualifies them as food -TASTE. The things that you are not supposed to eat can be summed up as "you cannot eat anything you like" and the things that are an essential part of the diet taste like either sawdust or water. Lately I eat soups, stir fried, boiled, steamed homemade food, which thanks to my dear Mom, is still edible and quite tasty. Of course, like everybody out there on a diet I cheat every once in a while, I am human after all. I think this is a close I can get to actually following dietary restrictions and I am aware that this may be hampering my weight loosing efforts somewhat, but there is nothing I can do...I LIVE TO EAT!

On a more serious note, obese or not, a few minutes of exercise should be part of your daily routine. The kind of adulterated and polluted world we live in these days, the diseases don't differentiate between XL or XXXL. Walk, jog, run, or yoga for a few minutes and reduce your chances of getting diabetes, heart disease and many other such diseases you won't wish upon your sworn enemies.
Anyway, so my combination of backbreaking exercise and my tasty version of a diet will have to do for now. I am not sure if I will change either in the future, but I am determined to tone up, however tiring and tasteless the path maybe. 

So wish me luck and stay healthy.


Of blogs and blogging.... REPOST

Here it blog...and why am I blogging ("blogging" is that a word?)? Well, I guess if all the Toms, Dicks and Mark Zuckerbergs of the world are doing it and more often than not for no apparent reasons, why can't I? To be very honest I am not sure what my reasons are. And does there really need to be one? If I come across a motive for this blog in the future, I will blog about it.....
Hold on!....I just thought of a reason...actually a few of them. 

In this quaint asocial age of social networks, people prefer a "" rather than an actual face to face. You can chat, shop, study, watch live sports and your favorite movies and even get married(seriously!) online. I have some friends and a lot of family even, whom I haven't met for many years but I can "follow" their lives in real time online. I can see their birthday celebration and vacation pictures, wedding albums and even videos of their new born babies from the comfort of my home with just a click of the mouse. And with the kind of insanely rapid lives we lead these days, people have grown used to this convenience of "sharing" through the internet so much so, that a personal meeting or social gatherings may soon become a thing of the past. Being a total GEEK(and proud to be one), I can't say it's all bad. Internet is a big part of my life too(a humungous part!), and having an "online life" to share is a good way to stay in touch with family and friends who are actually, physically far away and I do owe some very good friends to the world of social networks(a big holler to rags and emceeb). So after email, chat groups and social networks; a blog seems to be the natural next step.

The internet embodies "freedom of speech" doesn't it? I mean it can be practiced most freely on the World Wide Web than anywhere else. People all around the world bitch, ramble, moan, groan, grumble, tweet (and I am not talking about birds) about absolutely anything and everything on blogs. They vent their frustrations about life and work, share grandma's recipes, backbite about their ex. I even read a blog once, about a guy monitoring his nose hairs trimming schedule(I kid you not!) and there are people tweeting about their bowel movements(disgusting!). You can express your absurd ideas and genuine sentiments online without any kinds of restraints or fear of making it to the evening's breaking news, on second thought, it may happen, new channels "break" anything these days. Only, someone named "admin" may delete the very offensive and ill-directed posts (This blogger does not condone any abuse or persecution towards people or otherwise through blogs or other means). 

I guess these reasons are good as any for me to be a blogger. There is also a very long list of some very noble reasons (you know, help people and make this world a better place) to start blogging but I am not here to impress anyone with my magnanimousness (wanted to use a very big word!) and readers(I am really hoping at least a few people will read this, even if it is only to avoid taking a sleeping pill) need not worry, I won't be sharing stories of my personal hygiene and bodily functions.
I will however try to put across my thoughts, opinions about life and world and of course bitch, ramble, moan, groan, grumble a little bit, tweeting, I am not sure yet. 

So if you think you have the fortitude and patience to read this space for more to come....
Rookie blooger out..


Just a thought...

So like I mentioned, I had the good sense of backing up some of my blog posts. I am re-posting them now. Read On.

Ruminated Envisions 2.0

I started this blog singing praises of life in the age of the world wide web. I also pointed out some of the cons as well and as luck would have it, last week I got hit with one the worst negative aspects of the internet. I got HACKED! Some jackass from who knows where, with a little too much of free time on his/her hands;  who, I am sure after watching demented p***ography all day, decided it was time to do something more with his/her life , NOT!

This fathead went on to hack my email ids on google and yahoo and deleted all my contacts, changed all my passwords, and sent a number of prank emails to some of my friends and family.  He/she even deleted this BLOG! I am still not sure what he/she achieved with this, like I said, it was just my luck, that my accounts where the ones the hacker(more like LOOSER!) stumbled upon. It is my good fortune, that I seldom store any sensitive personal data online. If you do, please do not or take proper and necessary precautions.

Now before you go on making assumptions, no I do not visit any  "questionable" websites. Even if I do, I sure as hell do not use my personal account information there. I did however use my email info on some forums and online shopping websites, maybe that is where I was hacked from...or maybe from one of the numerous social network...maybe even from Facebook (yes, it can happen, it's child's play for an "accomplished hacker") I will of course never know. Although I know a few basic hacking techniques, I am not nearly well versed enough to back track and exact my revenge on whoever did this.

The good thing about the internet, is that you can easily bounce back from the something like this, if you were smart or rather geek enough to backup all your online data, contacts and important emails, which fortunately I did(AGE OF THE GEEK, BABY!). I even backed up my blog entries. So after a few hours of creating new email ids, and taking whatever precautions I could(ain't gonna share those, who knows what looser could be reading this), so that I don't fall prey this kind of thing again, I am all set. Of course there is always a chance that it can happen again, I mean there are people who have hacked into the Pentagon, some random email id and password is a piece of cake for them. But there's nothing we can really do about it, except take some preventive measures, make "backing up data" a motto and hope for the best. 

So that's that. I got hacked, but I am back and hackers or no hackers, I will keep exploring the limitless world wide web(carefully!), keep "facebooking", tweeting (Yes! I joined twitter) and blogging. PEACE!