Monday, 7 January 2019

A Happy New Year....& A Happy Birthday To Me....

This new year is so much more for me than just a change in the date. It is actually a new beginning....something I have wanted for years.
Melancholy for the things & people I have left behind, excitement & anticipation for all the things that are yet to come, the sheer joy of having the people I love the most near me... it's the greatest feeling in the world...something I wish you all get to experience this coming year.
So here's wishing that all your dreams & desires, hopes & wishes are fulfilled &  this year bring lots of happiness & good health for all. HAPPY NEW YEAR!  #latepost #happy2019
And as I grow a year wiser today (nah, little stupider actually 😂),
I would like to take a moment to count my blessings & be eternally grateful for them, and tell my dearest ones (cause you can never do that enough), that I LOVE YOU ALL. I AM because YOU ARE! Cheers!
-Joydeep Majumdar (Tutu) 🤓