Sunday, 29 November 2015

In Memoriam

It is hard to imagine life without a loved one...but then death is the truest of truths and no one is exempt. And life, life goes on...we live on with a sense of loss, pain & sadness for having lost a dear one with only the memories and love of the dearly departed to fill the abyss they leave behind in our hearts. - Joydeep Majumdar
(in sweet memory of dearly loved one)

Sunday, 8 November 2015

Just a thought...

Party A or Party B, Neta A or Neta B, they are all the same. Daal, beef, intolerance are all parts of their political game. In the end its all about power & fame, and of course, Money! Jai Hind! - Joydeep Majumdar